Friday, November 6, 2009

The 2007-09 Recession is Over, so where are we headed now?

I would like to take the liberty to express that our economy will never be the same as the old rules of personal financial development has changed. In this new economy the individual has a greater responsibility for himself and over time loses economic power should he continue to put his complete faith in corporate and government America to sustain his livelihood. Everyday information and power through the internet (and other technology) becomes easier to access for all individuals across the globe. This places both a benefit and a greater obligation for each individual to evolve into a more intelligent being.

Greater access to information through the internet and the decreasing price of technology is very similar to the development of the electronic traffic light. Today no one who drives an automobile or pedestrian walking city streets has the option to claim they do not understand traffic lights or the option to refuse to obey their commands. It is a minimum expectation of all citizens to at least understand and comply with the law of traffic lights. This is a fine example of the impact technology has with regard to survival in the new economy. Those who utilize the information highway as a means to gain financial knowledge and wealth will have the greatest potential to reap economic prosperity. However the majority of those who resist aggressively seeking to independently finance their own future and wait for others to provide security for them will brunt the harsh blow of our ever evolving economic landscape. Simply stated demand for human intelligence is going up while demand for human physical labor and lower brain activity occupations (including many fields requiring advance academic education) are going down.

Furthermore, what the world is experiencing is the leveling of powerful super nations and the rising of historically underdeveloped nations. Forecast already predict within the next 20-50 years China and India will have the larger economies of all other nations. Biblically speaking the old testament prophet Isaiah states it is the will of God to level mountains and bring all nations down to the same level, like sand on a beach. Therefore I encourage you to stay a head of the pack and seek yee knowledge.

Below is an email I wrote to a group of Birmingham business leaders on October 1, 2009 regarding the end of the US great recession. I also published a YouTube video entitled Is The Recession Over where I expound more on why I know the recession is over and help to define how a recession develops.

Financial Optimism is in the air
Today, in my opinion, is the start of a renewed sense of financial stability in our economy both locally and nationally...

I believe sales will be up through at least the end of the calendar year for the following reasons :

- this is a natural time of year retail consumers are prepared to spend discretionary income on preparing for the holidays

- very soon (this month) the federal government will announce the recession that began December 2007 has officially ended!

- the new 2009-10 fiscal year started today, meaning many budgets (especially government, the largest consumer of all) have large sums of money that are untouched (awaiting the new fiscal year for transacting) and ready to be released

- most of the federal stimulus money was slated to begin distribution this new fiscal year, so we can expect more dollars to flow through the economy by November. The effect of these dollars will last a year or more.

- we have three months left in the calendar year and a lot of small business owners are looking to minimize their tax burden by expensing out dollars before the December 31 deadline

- also, the message from media outlets will significantly lighten up related to the peril of our economy

Overall, consumers will be thinking less about what they might lose financially and will feel more secure in their economic circumstances. Many projects that have been delayed will be a higher priority to accomplish, and the willingness to spend discretionary income more freely will continue to increase. I believe we are out of the storm now. So...what are you doing or have done to prepare your company to embrace the new economic wave that began today?