Friday, December 21, 2012

Thoughts from Christopher Columbus Book of Prophecies

A few weeks ago media outlets started to speak about the Mayan prophecies of the world ending today Dec 21, 2012 or at least a major shift that would have a major impact on society.  Christopher Columbus and his passion for Zion was mentioned, which caused me to research his life.  I started with wikipedia and discovered that he wrote (contributed) letters called The Book of Prophecies.  I was intrigued by the four elements summed up by Wikipedia:

1. Christianity must be spread throughout the world
2. The Garden of Eden must be found
3. A Last Crusade must take back the Holy Land from the Muslims - It was also believed that when Christ comes, he will come back in the place he lived and died; Jerusalem.
4. A Last World Emperor must be chosen

Since the attributes are much in line our beliefs (especially the first two) I felt compelled to purchase his writings The Book of Prophecies, Edited by Christopher Columbus (Repertorium Columbianium) Edit by Roberto Rusconi.  I was pleasantly surprised that Columbus major obsession, much like mine was the topic of Zion.  Listed below are excerpts from the book that I found of great interest and sum up the theme of his thoughts:

"This is the beginning of the book or collection of auctoritates, sayings, opinions, and prophecies concerning the need to recover the holy city and Mount Zion, and the discovery and conversion of the islands of the Indies and all peoples and nations, for the Ferdinand and Isabella, our Spanish rulers" - pg 59

"Sacred Scripture is interpreted in four ways.  First, as history, which is the narration of events; the world is derived from hystrion, meaning "to see" or "experience," for in previous times no one wrote the history of an event who hand not been present at it.  Second, as allegory, from leon, which means "something else," and gore, meaning "to say" or "speech"; through allegory, a text reveals a truth of doctrine.  Third, tropologically, from tropos, meaning "change," and logos, meaning "a group of words conveying some meaning'; a tropological interpretation of a given text reveals a moral truth.  Fourth, anagogically, from ana, which means "upwards," and goge, which means "leading"; an anagogical interpretation of text reveals something to be desired, for example, eternal felicity."

"A literal reading teaches the facts; allegory, what should be believed; a moral reading, what should be done; anagogy, what one should desire."

"A fourfold meaning of Scripture exists in the word, "Jerusalem." Historically, it signifies the earthy city to which pilgrims travel; allegorically, the Church Militant.  Tropologically, it signifies heavenly Jerusalem, the country or kingdom of heaven."  Page 61

"Because we are not learned, we place ourselves in your power: blessed is the man who you instruct, O Lord, and to whom you teach your law.  We ask, therefore, that you lead us to understand, through the same spirit that inspired them, the discussions, books, and prophecies about you and your holy place.  Amen"

"In Sacred Scripture one tense is often used in place of another; for example, the past tense instead of the future, etc.  "All that I have from my father, I have made known to you."  St. Augustine writes in a sermon on this text, which is ready by some of the feast of St. Thomas the apostle: "Our Lord Jesus Christ, who did things that were going to happen, says that he has already done what he is going to do.  Thus he says through the prophet: "They have pierced my hands and feet,' not 'they will pierce,' " speaking of past events foretelling the future.  Similarly, in the cited passage he says that he told his disciples all the things that his complete knowledge told him he was going to do.  Other examples can be found by anyone who wishes to look"

"In a certain usage of tense, things that are about to happen are related as if they had already taken place.  For example: "They have pierced my hands and feet and they have counted out all my bones," and "they have divided my garments among themselves," and other similar passages.  But why are events that have not yet happened described as if they have already taken place?  Because those things which are presently in our future have already take place in God's eternity" page 63

"The Calabrian abbot Joachim said that whoever was to rebuild the temple on Mount Zion would come from Spain" page 77

"He has made me king of Zion, his hold mountain, and I preach his holy commandment.  The Lord said to me: "You are my son; today I have begotten you.  Ask of me, and I will give you the people as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession." Etc page 79 - 122

"It should be taken into consideration, however, that in a second universal preaching of the gospel, all people will receive the faith of Christ.  This will occur at the end of time.  page 157

"And he will have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth."  Commentary:  That is to say, over the whole earth, surrounded by sea...  "Their voices went out to the whole earth." etc.  "And from the river," namely of earthly paradise, "to the ends of the earth," that is, to the boundaries of world.  And these boundaries are the extended to the highest heaven, for this will be the extent of the power of Christ.  Because of this, Matthew said in his last chapter: "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me," and so forth, as given above" page 161

"With respect and good cause, I state, most magnificent rulers, that greater things are in store for you, for we read that Joachim, abbot of Calabria, predicted that someone from Spain would recover the wealth of Zion"  page 317 


Christopher Columbus did not know he would open the gates to Europe to cease the America's.  He also never came remotely close to ceasing Jerusalem and the great Mount of Zion from the Moors.  However one thing is for sure, his pioneering efforts to discover the land of where Havilah would be discovered and shared has come to pass.  KMBriggs acknowledges that with the help of the Holy Spirit Columbus pioneered the clear path of the modern world in the Americas.  Columbus efforts are still paying dividends through so many people including the house of KMBriggs.  We dedicate your life and the works of so many people around you who made it possible to sail to the Americas to the discovery of Zion which is soon to be known and understood around the world.
