According to Revelation 19:11-13 the Bible says
With justice, the Word of God judges and wages war.
or put another way
There are people screaming all over the world everyday Please Please I can't Breathe Your Knee is my Neck.
Are we searching for them? When we see them are we judging their lives through the lens of the word of God? Are we actively fighting injustice with justice?
Leading with an eye for Justice
The challenges the oppressed face the most are not in fact the ones causing abuse. The greatest foe are Christians that do not carry at all times an active eye of justice. Actively seeking areas in their personal lives of injustice. Looking for injustice within their own homes, within their church, within your work and school arenas, within their community, and then the world around them. Satan is placing his knee on the neck of many people and you do not need to look far to identify injustice and use the 'privilege' the Lord our God has given you to step in and free a person from harm.
Waging War with the Word of God
With your active eye judging the entire world around you it is important to wage war with the oppressor using the Word of God. Far too often we judge the world around us using an earthly perspective. In the case of George Floyd, the officers judged him as a criminal who is a drug addict. Although those things are possibly true that is not the frame of reference one should wage war with. Had they used the Word of God as their place of waging war they would have first seen Mr. Floyd as a child of God worthy of salvation and redemption.
Let us rise as a Church body and actively seek people in our homes, in our schools, in our places of work, in our communities, and in our world that Satan has placed a spiritual knee of affliction, abuse, or oppression. Let us wage war against all forms of injustice using the living Word of God as our weapon to tear down evil strongholds in our homes and communities.
Satan get your knee off their neck in Jesus name!
Satan get your knee off their neck in Jesus name!
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